Sunday, March 9, 2014

Spring Fever

We are in the home stretch...for spring break that is. Sadly, summer is still 11 weeks away. Today the weather in Tennessee felt like such a tease. It was a beautiful day...sunny and warm. It made me READY for spring.

3rd grade has so much to still cover before our state assessments in April. All these snow days have left my head spinning! Our 3rd grade team is having to plan very strategically to get in all the skills we still need. Can anyone else relate?

One of our skills this week is sequencing. There are a ton of great resources out there for this skill. I just needed a very simple graphic organizer to use in my small groups with our leveled readers. I just made this organizer real quick to share. It is free in my TPT store. If you download it, I hope that you find it to be helpful in your classroom.

You can grab it for FREE here.